The toggle button component is used for highlighting a subset of information in a complex view by desaturating all other information.

A toggle button holds an icon and a text indicating what will be highlighted when clicked.

  <button dt-toggle-button-item value="1">
      <dt-icon name="user-uem"></dt-icon>
  <button dt-toggle-button-item value="2">
      <dt-icon name="user-uem"></dt-icon>
  <button dt-toggle-button-item value="3">
      <dt-icon name="user-uem"></dt-icon>


You have to import the DtToggleButtonGroupModule when you want to use the <dt-toggle-button-group>:

  imports: [DtToggleButtonGroupModule],
class MyModule {}


The <dt-toggle-button-group> is a wrapping container for all <dt-toggle-button-item> components. A <dt-toggle-button-item> cannot function without a group as it is the group that is managing the toggling state. The group can hold any content and is not limited to dt-toggle-button-items.

The <dt-toggle-button-item> can hold any content which will be rendered into the right part of the component. It also has a dedicated section for the icon on the left hand side:

  • <dt-toggle-button-item-icon> should be filled only with a dt-icon which will be styled and rendered according to the toggle-button-group container.



Name Type Description
change EventEmitter<DtToggleButtonChange<T>> EventEmitter that fires every time the selection changes. DtToggleButtonChange is an interface for the following object signature: { source: DtToggleButtonItem<T>, value: T | null, isUserInput: boolean }.


Name Type Default Description
selectedItem DtToggleButtonItem<T> - Getter to access the currently selected DtToggleButtonItem<T> instance or null if none is selected.
value <T> null Getter to access the currently selected value.



Name Type Default Description
selected boolean false Whether or not the DtToggleButtonItem is selected.
value <T> null Value of the DtToggleButtonItem.
tabIndex number 0 Sets the tabIndex of the DtToggleButtonItem. If the item is disabled, tabIndex will be set to -1 to remove it from the keyboard navigation.
disabled boolean false Disables the DtToggleButtonItem.
aria-label string - String that will be applied as an aria label on the DtToggleButtonItem.
aria-labelledby string - One or more DOM element ids that label the DtToggleButtonItem. If multiple values are given, please use a space separated list.
aria-describedby string - One DOM element id that describes the actions taken by selecting the DtToggleButtonItem.


Name Type Description
change EventEmitter<DtToggleButtonChange<T>> EventEmitter that fires when the selection of the DtToggleButtonItem changes.


Name Description
focus Function to programatically call focus on a DtToggleButtonItem.
select Function to programmatically select on a DtToggleButtonItem.
deselect Function to programmatically deselect on a DtToggleButtonItem.


When a toggle button is clicked, the toggle button is set into active state and all information except the subset of information of the toggle button is desaturated.

Only one toggle button in a group can be selected at the same time.

If the toggle buttons do not fit the available space within a toggle button group, the button of the last visible row is replaced by a "show all" link. As soon as the "show all" button is clicked, the remaining toggle buttons will be added to the end of the group.

  <div class="dt-toggle-button-group-show-more-grid">
      *ngFor="let buttonGroupItem of buttonGroupNames; let i = index"
      value="i + 1"
        <dt-icon name="cloud"></dt-icon>
      {{ buttonGroupItem }}
    <dt-expandable-text class="inline" label="Show All" (click)="loadMore()">

Adding toggle button items

Items can be added dynamically to a toggle button group.

<dt-toggle-button-group #group1>
  <button dt-toggle-button-item *ngFor="let item of items" [value]="item">
      <dt-icon name="user-uem"></dt-icon>
    {{ item }}
<div style="margin-top: 16px">
  <button dt-button (click)="addItem()">Add item</button>
  <button dt-button (click)="removeItem()">Remove item</button>
<div style="margin-top: 16px">Current value: "{{ group1.value }}"</div>

Toggle button group in use

The toggle button group is placed on top of complex content within a card (e.g. a lot of entities, a complicated sequence of actions, etc.).

A toggle button item always has 16px vertical and horizontal margin to the next one.

In the example below, the toggle button is used to highlight CDN resources in a waterfall view.

Toggle button group example