  aria-label="Filter By Input value"
  label="Filter by"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"
    All options in the filter field above
  my content


You have to import the DtQuickFilterModule when you want to use the <dt-quick-filter>, <dt-quick-filter-title> and <dt-quick-filter-sub-title>. Note that you need Angular's BrowserAnimationsModule if you want to have animations or the NoopAnimationsModule if you don't.

import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import { DtQuickFilterModule } from '@dynatrace/barista-components/quick-filter';

  imports: [BrowserAnimationsModule, DtQuickFilterModule],
class AppModule {}

To use the quick filter in your template there is the <dt-quick-filter [dataSource]="_dataSource"> where you have to bind the data source. The default content within the dt-quick-filter will be placed within the quick-filter main content area. To set the title and the subtitle of the sidebar you can leverage the <dt-quick-filter-title> and <dt-quick-filter-sub-title> tags to provide a level of customization.


Name Type Default Description
dataSource DtQuickFilterDataSource Provide a DataSource to feed data to the filter field and the quick filter. This input is mandatory.
filters any[][] [] The currently selected filters. This input can also be used to programmatically add filters to the quick filter and filter field.
sidebarOpened boolean true The actual open state of the sidebar.
label string The label for the input field. Can be set to something like "Filter by". Will be placed next to the filter icon in the filter field
clearAllLabel string Label for the "Clear all" button in the filter field. Can be set to something like "Clear all".
aria-label string '' Sets the value for the Aria-Label attribute.
groupHeadlineRole number 3 The aria-level of the group headlines for the document outline.
maxGroupItems number 5 The maximum amount of items that should be displayed in the quick filter sidebar. If there are more, then they are hidden behind a show more functionality
showMoreTemplate TemplateRef<{ $implicit: number; group: string }> +145 options in the filter field Template for the show more text of the group. The implicit context of the template is the count of the remaining items and the view value can be accessed through the group variable
loading boolean false Defines the loading state of the underlying filter field.
customTagParser TagParserFunction defaultTagDataForFilterValuesParser A function to override the default or injected configuration for tag parsing.


Name Type Description
filterChanges EventEmitter<DtQuickFilterChangeEvent> Event emitted when filters have been updated by user interaction. Wont be triggered by programmatic changes
currentFilterChanges EventEmitter<DtQuickFilterCurrentFilterChangeEvent> Event emitted when filters in the filter field of the quick filter are edited.
inputChange EventEmitter<string> Event emitted when the input value in the filter field of the quick filter changes.
sidebarOpenChange EventEmitter<boolean> Emits when the sidebar open state changes. Emits a boolean value for the open sate (true for open, false for close).


The following methods are on the DtQuickFilter class:

Name Descriptio Return value
openSidebar Opens the sidebar void
closeSidebar Closes the sidebar void
toggleSidebar Toggles the sidebar void

Dealing with long list of items

In general, you should avoid displaying a long list of choices inside the quick filter as it should only be a quick solution to apply a small set of filters. Nevertheless, if there are more options they will be hidden in a detail view that can be accessed through the View more Button. The content inside is rendered through a virtual scroll and therefore you don't have to care about performance.

You can configure what to display as the show more text for the group like in the following example:

  aria-label="Filter By Input value"
  label="Filter by"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"
    All options in the filter field above
  my content
<ng-template #showMore let-count let-group="group">
  <p class="dt-quick-filter-show-more-text">
    There are {{count}}
    <ng-container [ngSwitch]="group">
      <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'Country'">States</ng-container>
      <ng-container *ngSwitchDefault>Options</ng-container>