
You have to import the DtStackedSeriesChartModule when you want to use the <dt-stacked-series-chart>:

  imports: [DtStackedSeriesChartModule],
class MyModule {}


This chart allows 2 different modes: Bar and Column


<dt-stacked-series-chart [series]="series">
  <ng-template dtStackedSeriesChartOverlay let-tooltip>
    <strong>{{ tooltip.seriesOrigin.label }}</strong>
    <br />
    {{ tooltip.origin.label }}: {{ tooltip.origin.value }}


Please be aware that this mode requires a height to be set

<dt-stacked-series-chart [series]="series" mode="column" style="height: 200px">
  <ng-template dtStackedSeriesChartOverlay let-tooltip>
    <strong>{{ tooltip.seriesOrigin.label }}</strong>
    <br />
    {{ tooltip.origin.label }}: {{ tooltip.origin.value }}


To create a dtStackedSeriesChart in a minimal configuration, only series attribute is required to create a valid output. For multiple series, slices follow the same order given by the developer

Options & Properties


CSS variables

Styling variables with default value. One can be set by doing the following:

dt-stacked-series-chart {
  --dt-stacked-series-chart-grid-gap: 32px;
  --dt-stacked-series-chart-max-bar-size: 32px;
  --dt-stacked-series-chart-extra-margin: 16px;
Name Default Description
--dt-stacked-series-chart-grid-gap '16px' Gap between tracks
--dt-stacked-series-chart-max-bar-size '16px' Size of the track
--dt-stacked-series-chart-extra-margin '0px' For column type, extra margin for long tick format


Name Type Default Description
mode DtStackedSeriesChartMode 'bar' Display mode.
series DtStackedSeriesChartSeries[] - Array of series with their nodes.
heatFields DtStackedSeriesHeatField[] - Array of heat fields to be shown at the top -for columns- or at the left-side -for bars-.
selectable boolean false Allow selections to be made on chart
selected [DtStackedSeriesChartSeries, DtStackedSeriesChartNode?] - Current selection [series, node] node will be null if selectionMode is stack
selectionMode DtStackedSeriesChartSelectionMode 'node' Whether to make just the nodes selectable or the whole stack.
max number | undefined - Max value in the chart. Useful when binding multiple stacked-series-chart.
fillMode DtStackedSeriesChartFillMode - Whether each bar should be filled completely or should take into account their siblings and max.
valueDisplayMode DtStackedSeriesChartValueDisplayMode 'none' Sets the display mode for the stacked-series-chart values in legend to either 'none' 'percent' or 'absolute'. In single track chart value is displayed also in legend. For axis value 'none' falls back to 'absolute'
legends DtStackedSeriesChartLegend[] true Array of legends that can be used to toggle bar nodes. As change detection is on push the changes will only affect when the reference is different.
visibleLegend boolean true Visibility of the legend
visibleTrackBackground boolean true Whether background should be transparent or show a background.
visibleLabel boolean true Visibility of series label.
visibleValueAxis boolean true Visibility of value axis.
labelAxisMode DtStackedSeriesChartLabelAxisMode full Mode of the label axis, compact would make space for more labels.
maxTrackSize number 16 Maximum size of the track.
continuousAxisType DtStackedSeriesChartValueContinuousAxisType 'none' Sets the type for continuous axis scale calculation to 'none', 'date' or 'linear'. Depending on the type, scale is created in specific way.
continuousAxisInterval TimeInterval - (Only column mode) In case we want a specific interval for ticks (every 5 mins, per day...). You can create custom intervals or install D3-time and use its built-in ones. If used, auto fitting ticks will be discarded
continuousAxisFormat string - Specific format for tick label. It follows d3-format ( for linear type and d3-time-format ( for date type
continuousAxisMap DtStackedSeriesChartValueContinuousAxisMap - Mapping function to create d3 domain. It is used for d3 understand the domain and build scales properly. If not defined, it will use an "Identity" function to return the label for every node


Name Type Description
selectedChange EventEmitter<DtStackedSeriesChartNode> Event that fires when a node is clicked


The dtStackedSeriesChartOverlay directive applies to an ng-template element lets you provide a template for the rendered overlay. The overlay will be shown when a user hovers the slice in stacked-series-chart. The implicit context passed to the template follows the DtStackedSeriesChartTooltipData interface.

<ng-template dtStackedSeriesChartOverlay let-tooltip>
  <!-- Insert your template for one event here. -->


The dtStackedSeriesChartHeatFieldOverlay directive applies to an ng-template element lets you provide a template for the heat field overlay. The overlay will be shown when a user hovers -or selects- the heat field in stacked-series-chart. The implicit context passed to the template follows data property from DtStackedSeriesHeatField interface.

<ng-template dtStackedSeriesChartHeatFieldOverlay let-heatField>
  <!-- Insert your template for one event here. -->



Value Description
bar Horizontal tracks
column Vertical tracks


For multiple series charts, every track can be fully filled or take into account the maximum value among all series

Value Description
full It fills the whole track with this series nodes
relative It takes into account the max input and the max value for all series


For single series charts, legend can display the value as the received value, as a percentage of the total or not show it.

Value Description
none Do not display the value in legend
absolute Display the value present in DtStackedSeriesChartNode
percent Display the percentage of the node within that series


For the column mode, it might be interesting to show the labels rotated in order that more labels fit in the chart and there is less overlap between them.

Value Description
full Labels parallel to the axis
compact Labels rotated 45ยบ to make space for more
auto Full mode which turns into compact if a label can fit it's proportional width


This DtStackedSeriesChartSeries holds the information for one series.

Name Type Description
label string Name of the series to be shown.
nodes DtStackedSeriesChartNode[] Array of node for the current series.


This DtStackedSeriesChartNode holds the information for every node in a given series.

Name Type Optional Description
label string No Name of the node to be shown.
value number No Numeric value used to calculate the slices.
color DtColors | string Yes Color to be used. Fallback to sorted chart colors.


The context of the overlay will be set to DtStackedSeriesChartTooltipData object containing useful information that can be used inside the overlay's template

Name Type Description
origin DtStackedSeriesChartNode Node passed by user in series array.
valueRelative number Numeric percentage value based on this node vs sum of top level.
color DtColors | string Color for this node in this state.
visible boolean If node is visible in the stacked-series-chart.
selected boolean If node is currently selected.
width string Current width in percentage given only the visible nodes.


This DtStackedSeriesChartLegend holds the information for every legend item so color and visibility is unified among same chart but also distributed charts (i.e. multiple charts in a table).

Name Type Description
label string Label of the node.
color DtColors | string Color to be used based on nodes and theme.
visible boolean Whether it should be visible.


This DtStackedSeriesChartSelectionMode holds the information in whether the selection should be processed at node level or at stack level

Value Description
node The nodes within a stack are selectable
stack Only the whole stack is selectable, without holding the information of the specific node selected


This DtStackedSeriesChartValueContinuousAxisType holds the information about the type that will be used for the scale to be processed. As it is not the same to create a scale for linear and date values

Value Description
none Scale will be created as ScalePoint. That is, every node is its own tick (No continuous axis)
linear Scale will be created as ScaleLinear. This works for real numbers but could also work for non-numeric values like color scales
date Scale will be created as ScaleTime. This works for date-time values. It can be user with intervals to show ticks every X minutes/hours...


This DtStackedSeriesChartValueContinuousAxisMap holds the function that will receive the node's label and transform it to the desired value. If not defined, an "identity function" will be used ((({origin}) => origin.label)) Any mapping function can be applied but needs to be synced with ContinuousAxisType. Example: if using ContinuousAxisType: 'date', for labels like "HH:MM:SS", the map function will parse this value into a new Date() value, so that d3 builds scale properly


Fill mode

  <ng-template dtStackedSeriesChartOverlay let-tooltip>
    {{ tooltip.origin.label }}: {{ tooltip.valueRelative * 100 | dtPercent }}
<h6>Fill mode</h6>
<dt-button-group [(value)]="fillMode">
  <dt-button-group-item value="full">Full</dt-button-group-item>
  <dt-button-group-item value="relative">Relative</dt-button-group-item>

Single selectable stacked bar chart

  <ng-template dtStackedSeriesChartOverlay let-tooltip>
    {{ tooltip.origin.label }}: {{ tooltip.value }}
<h6>Value display mode</h6>
<dt-button-group [(value)]="valueDisplayMode">
  <dt-button-group-item value="none">None</dt-button-group-item>
  <dt-button-group-item value="absolute">Absolute</dt-button-group-item>
  <dt-button-group-item value="percent">Percent</dt-button-group-item>

Connected legend

When needed legend can be set outside and linked to distributed stacked bar charts. Color for each node should be set in legend object

    *ngFor="let node of legends"
    <dt-legend-symbol class="dt-stacked-series-chart-demo-legend-symbol">
    {{ node.label }}
<dt-table [dataSource]="dataSource">
  <ng-container dtColumnDef="nodes">
    <dt-header-cell *dtHeaderCellDef>Episodes</dt-header-cell>
    <dt-cell *dtCellDef="let row">
        <ng-template dtStackedSeriesChartOverlay let-tooltip>
          {{ tooltip.origin.label }}:
          <strong>{{ tooltip.origin.value }} episodes</strong>
  <dt-header-row *dtHeaderRowDef="['label', 'nodes']"></dt-header-row>
  <dt-row *dtRowDef="let row; columns: ['label', 'nodes']"></dt-row>

Continuous axis - Linear

  style="min-height: 200px"
  <ng-template dtStackedSeriesChartOverlay let-tooltip>
    <strong>{{ tooltip.seriesOrigin.label }}</strong>
    <br />
    {{ tooltip.origin.label }}: {{ tooltip.origin.value }}
<dt-button-group [(value)]="mode">
  <dt-button-group-item value="column">Column</dt-button-group-item>
  <dt-button-group-item value="bar">Bar</dt-button-group-item>
<h6>Continuous Axis Format</h6>
  placeholder="Start typing"
  aria-label="Start typing"

Continuous axis - Date

  [continuousAxisInterval]="enableTimeInterval && timeIntervalEvery[timeIntervalKey]"
  style="min-height: 350px"
  <ng-template dtStackedSeriesChartOverlay let-tooltip>
    <strong>{{ tooltip.seriesOrigin.label }}</strong>
    <br />
    {{ tooltip.origin.label }}: {{ tooltip.origin.value }}
<dt-button-group [(value)]="dataKey">
  <dt-button-group-item [value]="DataKey.conversionBounces"
  <dt-button-group-item [value]="DataKey.histogramThirtyMin"
    >Histogram - 30 min</dt-button-group-item
  <dt-button-group-item [value]="DataKey.histogramSevenDays"
    >Histogram - 7 days</dt-button-group-item
<dt-button-group [(value)]="mode">
  <dt-button-group-item value="column">Column</dt-button-group-item>
  <dt-button-group-item value="bar">Bar</dt-button-group-item>
<h6>Use time interval</h6>
<dt-switch [(ngModel)]="enableTimeInterval">Visible</dt-switch>
<dt-button-group [(value)]="timeIntervalKey" [disabled]="!enableTimeInterval">
  <dt-button-group-item [value]="TimeIntervalKey.fiveMin"
    >Every 5 mins</dt-button-group-item
  <dt-button-group-item [value]="TimeIntervalKey.halfHour"
    >Every half an hour</dt-button-group-item
  <dt-button-group-item [value]="TimeIntervalKey.hour"
    >Every hour</dt-button-group-item
<h6>Continuous Axis Format</h6>
  placeholder="Start typing"
  aria-label="Start typing"

Heat Fields

  style="height: 300px"
  <ng-template dtStackedSeriesChartOverlay let-tooltip>
    <strong>{{ tooltip.seriesOrigin.label }}</strong>
    <br />
    {{ tooltip.origin.label }}: {{ tooltip.origin.value }}
  <ng-template dtStackedSeriesChartHeatFieldOverlay let-heatField>
    <h6>HeatField data</h6>
    <div>{{heatField | json }}</div>
<dt-button-group [(value)]="mode">
  <dt-button-group-item value="column">Column</dt-button-group-item>
  <dt-button-group-item value="bar">Bar</dt-button-group-item>
<h6>Heat Fields</h6>
<dt-button-group [(value)]="heatFieldType">
  <dt-button-group-item value="none">None</dt-button-group-item>
  <dt-button-group-item value="normal">Normal</dt-button-group-item>
  <dt-button-group-item value="overlap">Overlap</dt-button-group-item>