<dt-sunburst-chart noSelectionLabel="All" [series]="series">
  <ng-template dtSunburstChartOverlay let-tooltip>
    {{ tooltip.label }}: {{ tooltip.value }}


You have to import the DtSunburstChartModule when you want to use the <dt-sunburst-chart>:

  imports: [DtSunburstChartModule],
class MyModule {}

Example setup

  <ng-template dtSunburstChartOverlay let-tooltip>
    {{ tooltip.label }}: {{ tooltip.valueRelative * 100 | dtPercent }}


To create a dtSunburstChart in a minimal configuration, only series attribute is required to create a valid output. Only 3 levels are allowed at the moment

<dt-sunburst-chart noSelectionLabel="All" [series]="series">
  <ng-template dtSunburstChartOverlay let-tooltip>
    {{ tooltip.label }}: {{ tooltip.value }}

Options & Properties



Name Type Default Description
series DtSunburstChartNode[] - Array of nodes with their children (i.e [A,B,C]).
selected DtSunburstChartNode[] - Array of selected nodes (i.e [A, A.1, A.1.a]).
noSelectionLabel string All Label to be shown when there's no selection.
valueDisplayMode 'absolute' | 'percent' 'absolute' Mode of value visualization. It can be percent or absolute.


Name Type Description
selectedChange EventEmitter<DtSunburstChartNode[]> Event that fires when a node is clicked with an array of selected nodes (i.e [A, A.1, A.1.a]).


Name Params Description
openOverlay node: DtSunburstChartTooltipNode> Open an overlay for the given node.
closeOverlay Closes the overlay if open.


The dtSunburstChartOverlay directive applies to an ng-template element lets you provide a template for the rendered overlay. The overlay will be shown when a user hovers the slice in sunburst-chart. tooltip is a DtSunburstChartTooltipData.

<ng-template dtSunburstChartOverlay let-tooltip>
  <!-- Insert your template for one event here. -->


This DtSunburstChartNode holds the information for every slice in the chart.

Name Type Optional Description
label string No Name of the node to be shown.
value number Yes if it has children Numeric value used to calculate the slices. If it has children you can skip it and it will be calculated based on them.
color DtColors | string Yes Color to be used. Fallback to sorted chart colors.
children DtSunburstChartNode[] Yes Array of nodes belonging to this parent.


The context of the overlay will be set to DtSunburstChartTooltipData object containing useful information that can be used inside the overlay's template

Name Type Description
origin DtSunburstChartNode Node passed by user in series array.
id string Internal identifier.
label string Name of the node to be shown. Copied from origin.label.
value number Numeric value. Copied from origin.value or calculated from origin.children.
valueRelative number Numeric percentage value based on this node vs sum of top level.
children DtSunburstChartTooltipData[] Array of nodes belonging to this parent.
depth number Number of levels of children.
color DtColors | string Color for this node in this state.
colorHover (deprecated) DtColors | string Color for this node when hovering in this state.
isCurrent boolean If node is the deepest selected one.
visible boolean If node is visible in the sunburst-chart.
active boolean If node or child are selected.
showLabel boolean If label should be shown based on selection and a minimum angle of slice.



<dt-sunburst-chart noSelectionLabel="All" [series]="series">
  <ng-template dtSunburstChartOverlay let-tooltip>
    {{ tooltip.label }}: {{ tooltip.value }}

Percent values

  <ng-template dtSunburstChartOverlay let-tooltip>
    {{ tooltip.label }}: {{ tooltip.valueRelative * 100 | dtPercent }}

Custom color

<dt-sunburst-chart noSelectionLabel="Fruits" [series]="series">
  <ng-template dtSunburstChartOverlay let-tooltip>
    {{ tooltip.label }}: {{ tooltip.value }}