The navigation is a landmark on every page. A landmark provides a way to identify the organization and structure of a web page. It can be used to display some arbitrary data or to provide links to other sections of a page.

<dt-top-bar-navigation aria-label="Main">
  <dt-top-bar-navigation-item align="start">
    <a routerLink="" dtTopBarAction>
      <dt-icon name="menu-hamburger"></dt-icon>
  <dt-top-bar-navigation-item align="end">
    <button dtTopBarAction>my button</button>
  <dt-top-bar-navigation-item align="end" *ngIf="problems > 0">
    <a href="" dtTopBarAction hasProblem>{{ problems }}</a>
  <dt-top-bar-navigation-item align="end">
    <button dtTopBarAction><dt-icon name="user-uem"></dt-icon></button>


You have to import the DtTopBarNavigationModule when you want to use the <dt-top-bar-navigation>.

  imports: [DtTopBarNavigationModule],
class MyModule {}


The DtTopBarNavigation component is a structural component which is used to create a top bar navigation and align the navigation items on the right or left.


The DtTopBarNavigationItem directive is used to align the items on the left or right side of the navigation bar.

This can be achieved with the align property.


Name Type Default Description
align 'start' | 'end' 'start' If the item is placed on the left side or right side of the top navigation bar.


The DtTopBarAction directive is used to apply the styling and hover behavior to the navigation items. It provides the base styling for a typical icon element. Furthermore it can handle a problem state when the hasProblem input is set.

<dt-top-bar-navigation aria-label="Main">
  <dt-top-bar-navigation-item align="start">
    <a dtTopBarAction hasProblem>41</a>
Name Type Default Description
hasProblem boolean false Indicates if the item has a problem state.


The aria-label on the DtTopBarNavigation should be set to identify the role of the navigation. It should be a brief description of the purpose of the navigation, omitting the term "navigation", as the screen reader will read the role and the contents of the label.

<dt-top-bar-navigation aria-label="Main"> ... </dt-top-bar-navigation>

Top Bar Navigation in use

<dt-drawer-container class="drawer">
    <button dtTopBarAction (click)="closeDrawer()">
      <dt-icon name="menu-close"></dt-icon>
  <dt-top-bar-navigation aria-label="Main">
    <dt-top-bar-navigation-item align="start" *ngIf="showHamburger | async">
      <button dtTopBarAction (click)="openDrawer()">
        <dt-icon name="menu-hamburger"></dt-icon>
    <dt-top-bar-navigation-item align="end">
      <button dtTopBarAction>my button</button>
    <dt-top-bar-navigation-item align="end" *ngIf="problems > 0">
      <a href="" dtTopBarAction hasProblem>{{ problems }}</a>
    <dt-top-bar-navigation-item align="end">
      <button dtTopBarAction><dt-icon name="user-uem"></dt-icon></button>