Micro charts are smaller versions of charts. The amount of information shown is reduced to the bare minimum. They use little screen estate and are used to indicate a trend.

<dt-micro-chart [series]="series" [labelFormatter]="_formatterFn">

The microchart components wraps the chart component. Find more details about theming and reflow on the chart page.


You have to import the DtMicroChartModule when you want to use the dt-micro-chart:

  imports: [DtMicroChartModule],
class MyModule {}


To use a micro chart, add the <dt-micro-chart> element to the view and set options and series data using the appropriate attributes.


Name Type Default Description
options DtChartOptions | undefined undefined Sets options for the chart. DtChartOptions extends from Highcharts.Options, but removes the series property. The series property is passed as its own input.
series Observable<DtChartSeries> | DtChartSeries | undefined undefined Sets the series of the chart. The type can either be a stream of series data for continuous updates or a static array.
labelFormatter (input: number) => string | undefined undefined Sets the label formatter function for the min and max data point.


Name Type Description
updated EventEmitter<void> Event emitted when the chart options or series are updated.


Name Return value Description
seriesId string | undefined Gets the series ID of the series currently used in the chart.
highchartsOptions Options Returns highchart options which are used in the chart.


There are two main categories for micro charts, the ones that are showing data of a single timestamp (datapoint charts) and those which are showing data of a timeframe (timeseries-charts).

Datapoint charts

Datapoint micro charts are not yet implemented in Angular. If you are interested in the implementation progress, reach out to the DesignOps team.

Bar chart


Stacked bar chart


Pie or donut chart


Datapoint micro charts show one or multiple metrics. A legend is not necessary if the key is mentioned somewhere else (e.g. headline, label, etc.)

If datapoint micro charts are grouped they will share a legend component together.


Timeseries charts

It is possible to show maximum or minimum values in timeseries micro charts. The values are displayed as labels which are attached to specific data points or bars. They are highlighted in a darker contrast color of the same color palette.

Line chart

<dt-micro-chart [series]="series" [labelFormatter]="_formatterFn">

Column chart

<dt-micro-chart [options]="options" [series]="series"> </dt-micro-chart>
<dt-micro-chart [options]="options" [series]="series$" loading-text="Loading">


The entire micro chart is themable and follows the usual theming conventions for charts.

Value interpolation

Empty data points are calculated by interpolating the previous and the next data point. If missing data occurs at the beginning or end of a series the next or the previous value will be repeated to avoid having gaps.

Line chart

<dt-micro-chart [options]="options" [series]="series"> </dt-micro-chart>

Bar chart

<dt-micro-chart [options]="options" [series]="series"> </dt-micro-chart>

Do's and don'ts

You can't click or navigate inside a micro chart. Use a chart if needed.