The dt-highlight component is designed to highlight some characters in a string that has been searched of filtererd for. It can be either used for filtering tables or in the drop-down panel of the filter field.

<dt-highlight term="dynat">Dynatrace system Monitoring</dt-highlight>


You have to import the DtHighlightModule when you want to use the <dt-highlight> component:

  imports: [DtHighlightModule],
class MyModule {}


Name Type Default Description
caseSensitive boolean false The caseSensitive input can be set to search for case sensitive occurrences.
term string | string[] '' The term is the string or array of the strings that should be highlighted in the projected content.


There are two options to use the highlight component in your template. If you already have a native HTML element that contains your text (e.g. a paragraph <p>) you can keep this tag and apply the attribute dt-highlight in combination with the attribute term on it.

If the text's wrapper is an Angular component, you have to use the highlight as an additional tag with a term-attribute to wrap your text. Find usage examples below.

Important notice: The projected content inside the highlight component will be escaped! You have to avoid any HTML Tags inside this component!

On a paragraph

<p dt-highlight term="dynat">Dynatrace system monitoring</p>

Without wrapping element

<dt-highlight term="dynat">Dynatrace system monitoring</dt-highlight>

A case sensitive highlight example

  aria-label="Insert the text that should be highlighted in the example below."
<dt-highlight [term]="search.value" caseSensitive>
  Dynatrace system Monitoring

Multiple terms example

  aria-label="Split terms by ','"
<dt-highlight [term]="search.value.split(',')" caseSensitive>
  Building experiences using Barista components means the accessibility
  knowledge of the designers and developers who built them are available to
  everyone and come for free with the usage of the components. Neverthesless it
  is still important to check a few things post implementation. Therefore we
  created the Barista Accessibility checklist which is based on the WCAG 2.1 AA
  standard. Barista's patterns and components are perceivable, operable, and
  understandable to users, even when using assistive technologies.