With the filter component lists and views can be filtered to reduce the information shown and help the user find what they're looking for.

The filter affects content differently depeding on the component's position. If the filter is placed on top of a view, the filter applies to all components and contents underneath it. If the filter is placed within a card or on top of another component it will only filter the content within those.

All filter terms are connected with the logical AND operator if no other operator is explicitly used.

  label="Filter by"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"

The example above uses the defaultSearch option in the Datasource to provide the best experience for the user. See the section on defaultSearch for more details.


You have to import the DtFilterFieldModule when you want to use the dt-filter-field.

  imports: [DtFilterFieldModule],
class MyModule {}


Name Type Default Description
dataSource DtFilterFieldDataSource Provide a DataSource to feed data to the filter-field. This input is mandatory.
filters any[][] The currently selected filters. This input can also be used to programmatically add filters to the filter-field.
label string The label for the input field. Can be set to something like "Filter by".
loading boolean false Whether the filter-field is loading data and should show a loading spinner.
disabled boolean false Whether the filter-field is disabled.
aria-label string Sets the value for the Aria-Label attribute.
customTagParser TagParserFunction defaultTagDataForFilterValuesParser A function to override the default or injected configuration for tag parsing.
customEditionParser EditionParserFunction defaultEditionDataForFilterValuesParser A function to override the default or injected configuration for edition parsing text.

Note: Check out the Data source section to understand how to provide the correct data structure for the filter-field.


Name Type Description
filterChanges EventEmitter<DtFilterFieldChangeEvent> Event emitted when filters have been added or removed.
currentFilterChanges EventEmitter<DtFilterFieldCurrentFilterChangeEvent> Event emitted when a part has been added to the currently selected filter (the filter the user is currently working on).
inputChange EventEmitter<string> Event emitted when the input value changes (e.g. when the user is typing).
interactionStateChange EventEmitter<boolean> Event emitted when the interaction state changes (e.g. when the user interactes with the filter-field).


Name Type Description
currentTags Observable<DtFilterFieldTag[]> A stream that emits the current tags that the filter field holds.
interactionState boolean Whether the filter-field is being interacted with or not


Name Return value Description
getTagForFilter(needle: any[]) DtFilterFieldTag | null Returns a DtFilterFieldTag if one can be found for the given filter needle
focus void Focuses the filter field

Distinct options

Usually all options of an autocomplete can be selected, but sometimes there is the need to remove the whole list of options once one of them is selected (e.g. when you only want the user to select one city of a full list).

You can do that by setting the distinct: true property onto the autocomplete object.

  label="Filter by"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"

Loading options asynchronously

When working with huge sets of data, there is often the need to load parts of it asynchronously when the user needs it. You can do this by setting the async: true property on the autocomplete instead of options, then load the data and apply it to the data source.

  label="Filter by"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"

Server side filtered partial options

When loading data asynchronously, there might be the need to filter the options on the server side, as there simply are too many options to return at once. You can do this by initially setting the async: true property. For every response you get with the server side filtered data, you need to set the partial: true property, when replacing the datasource with the partially loaded data.

  label="Filter by"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"

Unique free-text, range or multiselect options

It is possible to set a free-text or range option to be unique. So it can only be added once regardless of the value the user added to the input field.

Multiselection is unique by default.

  label="Filter by"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"

To optimize frequently used labels e.g. Name, set a default search option (defaultSearch) in your dataSource like shown in the example below. The defaultSearch option can then be used similar to a free-text but not quite. Instead of selecting a label and then typing, just type the preferred tag e.g Errors and the filter field will be combine the defaultSearch option name (name: 'Name') attribute and the typed text automatically resulting in Name: Errors.

Type anything while no label is selected to see the Default Search in action.

  label="Filter by"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"


Every filter is an array of:

  • Key-value filters: objects that have been selected via an autocomplete (the object is exactly the one the consumer has provided via the data source). The suggested items can also be refined by typing.
  • Free-text filters: strings that the user has typed in via a free text.
  • Range filters: objects that include the result of a range selected by the user. This includes the range operator (DtFilterFieldRangeOperator), the unit (string) of the selected values and the range itself (which can either be one number value or a number tuple).
  • Multi select filters: array of objects that have been selected via a multi select list with checkboxes (the objects are exactly the ones the consumer has provided via the data source). The suggested items can also be refined by typing.

Receiving the selected filters

Two outputs on the filter-field help you receiving the filters when:

  • A filter has been added or removed - filterChanges.
  • A part of a filter has been added or removed (a filter has been edited) - currentFilterChanges.


This stream emits when a new filter has been added to the current filter list or an existing one has been removed. The event emitted is an instance of DtFilterFieldChangeEvent which includes the following properties:

  • source: The instance of the filter-field that emitted this event.
  • added: An array of filters that have been added.
  • filters The full list of the selected filters including the added ones.


This stream emits an event when a filter is edited which means new parts have been added or removed. The emitted event is an instance of DtFilterFieldCurrentFilterChangeEvent which includes the following properties:

  • source: The instance of the filter-field that emitted this event.
  • added: The array of parts that have been added to the filter.
  • removed: The array of parts that have been removed from the filter.
  • currentFilter: The current filter (list of parts) that has been edited.
  • filters The full list of the selected filters including the one that has been edited.

Adding filters programmatically

To set filters programmatically, the filter-field has a filters input. Assign the filters you want to set to this property. Be aware, setting the filters will override all the currently selected ones.

  label="Filter by"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"

Data source

The filter-field needs a DtFilterFieldDataSource so data can be applied. The main purpose of the data source is to convert the data that should be fed into the filter-field into a form the filter-field can understand.

Note: Provide only one data source instance per filter-field.

A DataSource needs to be a class that implements the DtFilterFieldDataSource interface.

The filter-field provides a default implementation of a DataSource, named DtFilterFieldDefaultDataSource, that takes a specific form of data (DtFilterFieldDefaultDataSourceType). The filter-field supports many layers of nesting for autocomplete nodes. You can have as many autocomplete nodes nested as you need. E.g. Having "continent > country > region > city" as 3 layers of autocomplete works perfectly fine. Nodes that can only be leaf nodes are free-text, range and options.

  label="Filter by"
  aria-label="Filter By Input Value"
  clearAllLabel="Clear All"

If your data has a different structure create your own custom data source. When creating a custom data source, we also provide a lot of utility functions for converting and creating data into the form of definition node objects the filter-field can understand. You can also take a look at the implementation of the DtFilterFieldDefaultDataSource to get a better understanding on how to create a custom data source.

Data utility functions

A list of the most useful utility functions for creating and checking definition node objects:

Name Description
dtAutocompleteDef Creates a node definition object or extends one and applies an autocomplete definition object based on the parameters.
isDtAutocompleteDef Whether the provided definition object is of type NodeDef and consists of an autocomplete definition.
dtFreeTextDef Creates a node definition object or extends one and applies a free-text definition object based on the parameters.
isDtFreeTextDef Whether the provided definition object is of type NodeDef and consists of a free-text definition.
dtOptionDef Creates a node definition object or extends one and applies an option definition object based on the parameters.
isDtOptionDef Whether the provided definition object is of type NodeDef and consists of an option definition.
dtGroupDef Creates a node definition object or extends one and applies a group definition object based on the parameters.
isDtGroupDef Whether the provided definition object is of type NodeDef and consists of a group definition.
dtMultiSelectDef Creates a node definition object or extends one and applies a multi select definition object based on the parameters.
isDtMultiSelectDef Whether the provided definition object is of type NodeDef and consists of a multi select definition.


On focus of the filter field the dropdown panel expands and reveals valid items which the user can select. An already applied key:value filter can be edited by selecting it, all possible values for that key are presented in the dropdown panel below.

All actions (adding, editing, deleting filters) are also accessible via keyboard.

Multi selection of filter values

Multi select lets users choose more than one value for the same field. The result is an array of the same objects the user has passed in the data source.

  label="Filter by"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"

Clear filters

By triggering the clear all button, all filters are deleted. This button appears on focus loss of the filter field. Please also check out this behavior in the click dummy.

  label="Filter by"
  aria-label="Filter By Inputvalue"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"

Disabled state

By setting the disabled-property to true, the whole filter field including all tags get disabled and therefore cannot be modified by the user.

  label="Filter by"
  aria-label="Filter By Inputvalue"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"

Readonly, non-deletable & non-editable tags

The filter field creates a DtFilterFieldTag for each active filter. You can get subscribed to the list of current tags with the currentTags observable. By using the utility method getTagForFilter you can find a DtFilterFieldTag instance created for a given filter. After getting the tag instance for your filter you can configure the filter to your needs by using the properties editable, deletable and disabled.

  label="Filter by"
  aria-label="Filter By Inputvalue"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"

Changing the default parsing of filter values

The filter field exposes a defaultTagDataForFilterValuesParser function, describing how the key:value pairs of each chosen filter should be parsed and shown. However, this function can be extended and replaced through the DT_FILTER_VALUES_PARSER_CONFIG token, which can be injected in the parent component and assigned a function of your own. In addition, this token can also be overriden with an input function specific to the component using that filter instance.

  label="Filter by"
  aria-label="Filter By Inputvalue"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"

Changing the default parsing of filter edition placeholder

The filter field exposes a defaultEditionDataForFilterValuesParser function, describing how the placehoder during selection should be parsed. However, this function can be extended and replaced through the DT_FILTER_EDITION_VALUES_PARSER_CONFIG token, which can be injected in the parent component and assigned a function of your own. In addition, this token can also be overriden with an input function specific to the component using that filter instance.

  label="Filter by"
  aria-label="Filter By Inputvalue"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"


Handling the user input with validators provides you with control over input requirements. E.g Validators.required
Angular exports a list of validators out of the box, as shown in the following example, but you can also create custom validators that need to conform to the angular validator interface. Angular Form validators

  label="Filter by"
  aria-label="Filter By Inputvalue"
  clearAllLabel="Clear all"

Handling operators (not yet implemented)

By default, all filter terms are handled as AND operations. However, the filter results can use other operators like OR, NOT, (, ), * ... All used operators are highlighted as soon as they are active and can be edited by selecting them.

Operators in filter

Help and errors (not yet implemented)

To make users aware of the operators, the options will appear when the filter field is focused and at least one filter is already applied.

Operators hint

The filter fields syntax is validated, please consider the input field validation in the validation guidelines for details.

Syntax validation in filter