The drawer is a component designed to add collapsible side content (often navigation, though it can be any content) alongside some primary content.

<dt-drawer-container class="dt-example-drawer">
  <dt-drawer #drawer opened>Drawer Content</dt-drawer>
  Main content
<button dt-button (click)="drawer.toggle()">toggle drawer</button>


You have to import the DtDrawerModule when you want to use the <dt-drawer> and <dt-drawer-container>. Note that you need Angular's BrowserAnimationsModule if you want to have animations or the NoopAnimationsModule if you don't.

import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import { DtDrawerModule } from '@dyntrace/angular-components';

  imports: [BrowserAnimationsModule, DtDrawerModule],
class MyModule {}

To use the drawer in your template there are two tags. First of all you need the <dt-drawer-container> that wraps your drawer and the main content. Inside this container you can put the <dt-drawer> tag. Inside the drawer tag you can put the content that should be pushed to off-canvas.


Name Type Default Description
mode 'side' | 'over' 'side' The behavior of the drawer, can overlay over or shrink the primary content.
position 'start' | 'end' 'start' Defines if the drawer is on the left or right side in a container. (A drawer container can only have one drawer per position.)
opened boolean false The actual open state of the drawer.


Name Type Description
opened Observable<void> Event emitted when the drawer has been opened.
closed Observable<void> Event emitted when the drawer has been closed.
openChange EventEmitter<boolean> Emits when the drawer open state changes. Emits a boolean value for the open sate (true for open, false for close).


The following methods are on the DtDrawer class:

Name Description Return value
open Opens the drawer void
close Closes the drawer void
toggle toggles the drawer void

The container class DtDrawerContainer has follwing methods:

Name Description Return value
open Opens all the drawers in the container void
close Closes all the drawers in the container void


The sidenav components is designed to add side content to a fullscreen app. To set up a sidenav we use two components: dt-sidenav-container which act as a structural container for our content, sidenav and dt-sidenav which represents the added side content. The component is always at the root of the page.

Shrinking behaviour

If the mode is set to side, the drawer will show the side content next to the primary content, causing the primary content to shrink in width. If the width of the drawer is less than 1024 pixels, however, it will act as an overlay on top of the main content instead.

Basic example

  <dt-sidenav mode="side" opened> Sidenav content </dt-sidenav>
  Main content

Example with custom header

  <dt-sidenav mode="side" opened]>
    <dt-sidenav-header> Title </dt-sidenav-header>
    Sidenav content
  Main content


Over laying mode Drawer Example

<dt-drawer-container class="dt-example-drawer">
  <dt-drawer #drawer mode="over" position="start"> Drawer Content </dt-drawer>
  Main content
<button dt-button (click)="drawer.toggle()">toggle drawer</button>

Dynamic Drawer Example

<dt-drawer-container class="dt-example-drawer">
    Drawer Content
  Main content
<button dt-button (click)="addOrRemoveDrawer()">add / remove drawer</button>
  toggle drawer
  <dt-label>Select drawer mode:</dt-label>
  <dt-select [(value)]="mode">
    <dt-option value="side" default>Side Mode</dt-option>
    <dt-option value="over">Over mode</dt-option>
  <dt-label>Select drawer position:</dt-label>
  <dt-select [(value)]="position">
    <dt-option value="start">Start</dt-option>
    <dt-option value="end">End</dt-option>

Nested Drawer Example

<dt-drawer-container class="dt-example-drawer">
  <dt-drawer #outerDrawer mode="side"> Outer drawer content </dt-drawer>
  <h2>Hosting units</h2>
  <p>There can be some text before the second drawer will appear</p>
  <dt-drawer-container class="dt-example-inner-drawer">
    <dt-drawer #innerDrawer mode="over" position="end">
      Inner drawer content
    I'm the content of the
    <button dt-button (click)="innerDrawer.toggle()">
      Toggle inner drawer
  I'm the content of the
<button dt-button (click)="outerDrawer.toggle()">Toggle outer drawer</button>