The chart component represents one or more metrics. It depends on the given data which of the available chart types should be used to visualize them. The dt-chart component wraps Highcharts to be used within Angular.

    <ng-template let-tooltip>
      <dt-key-value-list style="min-width: 100px">
        <dt-key-value-list-item *ngFor="let data of tooltip.points">
            {{ }}
            {{ data.point.y }}


You have to import the DtChartModule when you want to use the dt-chart:

  imports: [DtChartModule],
class MyModule {}


To use a chart, add the <dt-chart options="myoptions" series="myseries"></dt-chart> element to the page.


The chart needs the ViewportResizer provider, which notifies the dt-chart component about viewport changes that trigger a reflow of the dt-chart.


Name Type Default Description
options Observable | DtChartOptions | undefined> undefined Sets options for the chart. DtChartOptions extends from Highcharts.Options, but removes the series property. The series property is passed as separate input.
series Observable<Highcharts.IndividualSeriesOptions[]> | Highcharts.IndividualSeriesOptions[] | undefined undefined Sets the series of the chart. The type can either be an observable or a static array.
loading-text string The loading text of the loading distractor.


Name Type Description
updated EventEmitter<void> Event emitted when the chart options or series are updated.
tooltipOpenChange EventEmitter<boolean> Event emitted when the chart tooltip opens or closes.
tooltipDataChange EventEmitter<DtChartTooltipEvent | null> Event emitted when the tooltip data changes.
seriesVisibilityChange EventEmitter<DtChartSeriesVisibilityChangeEvent> Event emitted when a series visibility changes because a legend item was clicked


There are different chart types available. It strongly depends on the use case and the given data which one should be used.

Area chart

<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series">
    <ng-template let-tooltip>
      <dt-key-value-list style="min-width: 100px">
        <dt-key-value-list-item *ngFor="let data of tooltip.points">
            {{ }}
            {{ data.point.y }}

Area range chart

<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series">
    <ng-template let-tooltip>
      <dt-key-value-list style="min-width: 100px">
        <dt-key-value-list-item *ngFor="let data of tooltip.points">
            {{ }}
            {{ data.point.y }}

Bar chart

<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series">
    <ng-template let-tooltip>
      <dt-key-value-list style="min-width: 100px">
        <dt-key-value-list-item *ngFor="let data of tooltip.points">
            {{ }}
            {{ data.point.y }}
<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series">
    <ng-template let-tooltip>
      <dt-key-value-list style="min-width: 100px">
        <dt-key-value-list-item *ngFor="let data of tooltip.points">
            {{ }}
            {{ data.point.y }}

Donut or pie chart

<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series"></dt-chart>
<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series">
    <ng-template let-tooltip>
      {{ tooltip.x }} {{ tooltip.point.colorIndex }}

Line chart

<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series"></dt-chart>

Mixed chart

Mixed charts combine different chart types, e.g. a bar chart and a line chart.

<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series">
    <ng-template let-tooltip>
      <dt-key-value-list style="min-width: 100px">
        <dt-key-value-list-item *ngFor="let data of tooltip.points">
            {{ }}
            {{ data.point.y }}

Min/Max chart

The min/max chart shows the area between a minimum and a maximum value. The average or median is represented by a line.

<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series"></dt-chart>


The chart will take a color from a specified chart color palette for the series data if no color is specified. It depends on the current page theme and the number of shown metrics which chart color palette is used.

<div dtTheme="purple">
  <dt-chart options="myoptions" series="myseries"></dt-chart>
<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series">
    <ng-template let-tooltip>
      <dt-key-value-list style="min-width: 100px">
        <dt-key-value-list-item *ngFor="let data of tooltip.points">
            {{ }}
            {{ data.point.y }}


The chart legend is always placed below the chart, except for the donut or pie chart where the placement of the legend can vary.

Legend icons

The icon size in the chart legend is always 16x16px. The following icons are used as legends:

Toggle metrics

If there is more than one metric visualized in a chart, clicking a chart legend toggles the visibility of the according metric. Clicking a chart legend disables the metric, to make it possible to focus on individual metrics in a chart. Clicking the legend a second time re-enables the metric.


The chart supports adding a tooltip/overlay that wraps other Angular components to show detailed information about chart metrics. They appear on hover over specific value points within the chart.

The dt-chart component takes a dt-chart-tooltip component as a content child. The dt-chart-tooltip component needs an ng-template as a content child. This ng-template receives the same object passed to the context as the "normal" highcharts tooltip formatter function would receive. Don't forget to declare the variable for the implicit context on the ng-template.

<dt-chart ...>
    <ng-template let-tooltipdata> {{ tooltipdata.point.y }} </ng-template>

It is possible to provide a custom position function for the dt-chart-tooltip by providing a DtChartTooltipConfig through providers, as it is done in the following example:

  selector: 'dt-example-chart-bar',
  templateUrl: 'chart-bar-example.html',
  providers: [
        provide: DT_CHART_TOOLTIP_CONFIG,
        useValue: {
            positionFunction: myCustomPositionFunction,
<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series">
    <ng-template let-tooltip>
      <dt-key-value-list style="min-width: 100px">
        <dt-key-value-list-item *ngFor="let data of tooltip.points">
            {{ }}
            {{ data.point.y }}

Selection area

Within a chart you can add a dt-chart-range to select a timeframe or a dt-chart-timestamp to select a specific value on the x-axis (point in time) to analyze one or more metrics of the chart in detail.

<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series">
    ariaLabelClose="Close the selection"
    ariaLabelClose="Close the selection"
    ariaLabelLeftHandle="The left handle to update the selection"
    ariaLabelRightHandle="The right handle to update the selection"
    ariaLabelSelectedArea="The selected time-frame"
      aria-label="Apply the selection"

It is possible to have both, a dt-chart-range and a dt-chart-timestamp, alongside in a chart.

<dt-chart ...>

Selection area action

When the user creates a range or timestamp also an overlay is shown. To specify a primary action within the overlay a button with a dtChartSelectionAreaAction directive can be added inside the dt-chart-timestamp or dt-chart-range.

<dt-chart ...>
    <button dt-button dtChartSelectionAreaAction i18n>Apply</button>


The dt-chart-range adds the ability to select a desired time frame between two timestamps in a chart.

<dt-chart ...>

The selected range has to be larger than 5 minutes and can also be limited by a max value. Once a range has been created the user can resize it by the two handles on the left and right side of the range.


You have to provide meaningful labels to the range via ariaLabelSelectedArea, ariaLabelLeftHandle, ariaLabelRightHandle and ariaLabelClose, to meet our accessibility standards.


Name Type Default Description
min number 300000 The minimum range that can be created in milliseconds, by default the minimum range is 5 minutes.
max number | null null The maximum range that can be created in a time format. If not set, the range will be capped at the borders of the chart.
value [number, number] [0,0] The time frame on the chart's x-axis where the range should be placed.
ariaLabelSelectedArea string '' Aria label of the selected area that is created.
ariaLabelLeftHandle string '' Aria label of the left handle of the selected area that can resize the selected frame.
ariaLabelRightHandle string '' Aria label of the right handle of the selected area that can resize the selected frame.
ariaLabelClose string '' Aria label of the close button inside the overlay.


Name Type Description
valueChanges EventEmitter<[number, number]> Event emitted when the values of the selected range have changed. Emits when the drag is complete. (Not triggered programmatically.)
valid BehaviorSubject<boolean> Event emitted when the selection area is valid, i.e. greater than the minimum constraint.
closed EventEmitter<void> Event emitted when the range has been closed.


Name Type Description
focus void Focuses the range element.
close void Closes the range element and the overlay.


The dt-chart-timestamp adds the ability to select one specific point in time in a chart.

<dt-chart ...>


You have to provide meaningful labels to the timestamp via ariaLabelSelected and ariaLabelClose, to meet our accessibility standards.


Name Type Default Description
value number 0 The value on the chart's x-axis where the timestamp should be placed.
ariaLabelSelected string '' Aria label for the selected point in time.
ariaLabelClose string '' Aria label of the close button inside the overlay.


Name Type Description
valueChanges EventEmitter<number> Event emitted when the value of the timestamp has changed by user triggered interactions. (Not triggered programmatically.)
closed EventEmitter<void> Event emitted when the timestamp has been closed.


Name Type Description
focus void Focuses the timestamp element.
close void Closes the timestamp element and the overlay.


Problems and events in charts can be displayed as heatfields. The dt-chart component takes dt-chart-heatfield components as content children.

<dt-chart ...>
  <dt-chart-heatfield [start]="start" [end]="end"></dt-chart-heatfield>

When clicking on the heatfield button above the chart, further information is displayed by an overlay containing a short description and a link.

<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series">
  <dt-chart-heatfield [start]="10000" [end]="20000">
      Problem 1:
      <br />
      Failure rate increase
    <a class="dt-link">View problem details</a>
    <ng-template let-tooltip>
      <dt-key-value-list style="min-width: 100px">
        <dt-key-value-list-item *ngFor="let data of tooltip.points">
            {{ }}
            {{ data.point.y }}

By default the color of the heatfield button is red to indicate a problem. By setting the color to main you can use the heatfield in theme color, for example for the overload prevention use case.

Overload prevention

Dynatrace only shows a maximum amount of data to protect the system and prevent an overload. To indicate this use case, add a heatfield with color set to main to the chart.

<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series">
  <dt-chart-heatfield [start]="10000" [end]="20000">
    Problem 1:
    <br />
    <a class="dt-link">View problem details</a>
  <dt-chart-heatfield [start]="40000" [end]="60000" color="main">
    Overload prevention:
    <br />
    <a class="dt-link">View overload prevention</a>
    <ng-template let-tooltip>
      <dt-key-value-list style="min-width: 100px">
        <dt-key-value-list-item *ngFor="let data of tooltip.points">
            {{ }}
            {{ data.point.y }}


Name Type Default Description
start number The start numerical/date value on the x-axis of the chart.
end number The end numerical/date value on the x-axis of the chart.
active boolean false Whether the heatfield is active.
aria-label string undefined The aria label used for the heatfield button.
aria-labelledby string undefined ARIA reference to a label describing the icon in the consumption component.
color 'error' | 'main' 'error' Sets the color of the heatfield.

To make our components accessible it is obligatory to provide either an aria-label or aria-labelledby.


Name Type Description
activeChange EventEmitter<DtChartHeatfieldActiveChange> Fires every time when the active state changes.


Empty state

It can happen that data can't be displayed at all or only small parts of a chart can be loaded. With empty states we can provide basic information and help users to understand why the content isn't shown.

Too much data to render

Please keep in mind to use the correct empty state according to the use case. Check our empty states pattern for guidelines and other examples.

Loading state

When chart values are not yet available a loading indicator is shown until all data has been loaded and can be displayed. Set the chart's loading-text input to add a text next to the loading spinner.

<button dt-button (click)="toggleData()">toggle data</button>

Value 0 vs. no data

Since our charts are intended to show complex data, it is important to distinguish between "0" as value and "no data" (a.k.a. "null").

Value 0

If the chart type is a contiguous linear chart type (e.g. line chart, bar chart, area chart), 0 values are displayed to maintain continuity.

If the chart type is a non linear chart type (stacked bar chart, pie chart/donut chart etc.), 0 values will only be visible in legends or in overlays to avoid manipulating the data visualization.

No data

If data points are missing the highcharts default should be used to display gaps.

<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series"></dt-chart>

It may happen that existing data points are displayed as gaps (e.g. timeseries, area charts where no data is retrieved before and after an existing data point). In order to avoid this, we recommend using single data points to make the data visible.

<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series">
    <ng-template let-tooltip>
      <dt-key-value-list style="min-width: 100px">
        <dt-key-value-list-item *ngFor="let data of tooltip.points">
            {{ }}
            {{ data.point.y }}

Switching metrics

The metrics displayed in a chart can be switched by button groups that are placed above the chart.

<dt-button-group (valueChange)="switchMetric($event)">
  <dt-button-group-item>CPU usage</dt-button-group-item>
<dt-chart [options]="options" [series]="series">
    <ng-template let-tooltip>
      <dt-key-value-list style="min-width: 100px">
        <dt-key-value-list-item *ngFor="let data of tooltip.points">
            {{ }}
            {{ data.point.y }}