Breadcrumbs are used to navigate and to indicate the currently viewed page. Our breadcrumbs are hierarchy-based, which means that every item of the breadcrumb represents a page and thus also the path that led up to the currenty visited page.

<dt-breadcrumbs aria-label="Breadcrumbs navigation">
  <a dtBreadcrumbsItem href="first">First view</a>
  <a dtBreadcrumbsItem href="first/second"> Second view </a>
  <a dtBreadcrumbsItem href="first/second/third"> Third view </a>
  <a dtBreadcrumbsItem>Current view</a>


You have to import the DtBreadcrumbsModule when you want to use the dt-breadcrumbs.

  imports: [DtBreadcrumbsModule],
class MyModule {}


The dt-breadcrumbs component accepts a color property to define the color version of the breadcrumbs. Anchor elements with the dtBreadcrumbsItem directive applied can be used as breadcrumbs items.


Name Type Default Description
color 'main' | 'error' | 'neutral' main Current variation of the theme color which is applied to the color of the breadcrumbs.
aria-label string undefined Takes precedence as the element's text alternative.

To make our components accessible it is obligatory to provide either an aria-label or aria-labelledby.


Items within a breadcrumb have a maximum length. To ensure that unusually long items do not take up too much space, their text value will be abbreviated using an ellipsis as soon as the maximum length is exceeded.

Breadcrumb items grouped together closed

Should there not be enough space in the component to show all items, individual items are grouped together (starting from the left) and can be accessed by clicking the ... item in the breadcrumb.

Breadcrumb items grouped together expanded


Breadcrumbs always have the theme color of the current page the user is visiting. If the page does not have a theme color (e.g. in the settings), then the breadcrumbs will be displayed in gray.

<dt-breadcrumbs [color]="color" aria-label="Breadcrumbs navigation">
  <a dtBreadcrumbsItem href="first">First view</a>
  <a dtBreadcrumbsItem href="first/second"> Second view </a>
  <a dtBreadcrumbsItem>Current view</a>
  style="margin-top: 16px"
  <dt-button-group-item value="main">main</dt-button-group-item>
  <dt-button-group-item value="error">error</dt-button-group-item>
  <dt-button-group-item value="neutral">neutral</dt-button-group-item>

Listening to an observable

Content within the breadcrumb can change.

<dt-breadcrumbs aria-label="Breadcrumbs navigation">
  <!-- data$ emits a new items list after each 5 seconds -->
  <a dtBreadcrumbsItem *ngFor="let item of data$ | async" [href]="item.href">
    {{ item.label }}


Breadcrumbs also work on dark background.

<div class="dt-example-dark" dtTheme=":dark">
  <dt-breadcrumbs aria-label="Breadcrumbs navigation">
    <a dtBreadcrumbsItem href="first">First view</a>
    <a dtBreadcrumbsItem href="first/second"> Second view </a>
    <a dtBreadcrumbsItem>Current view</a>